Intern Program

Intern Program Overview

The Intern Program brings native French-speaking young people to work at L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion (LNFI).  The LNFI PTO fully funds the intern program and provides the interns housing with LNFI families. The amount of PTO funding and the number of host families recruited determine the number of interns the LNFI PTO can bring to LNFI each school year. It costs approximately $5,500-$6,500 per intern for the school year. Every school year we typically host between six and ten interns; each one usually works with two different teachers. Interns are between 21 and 28 years old, come from French-speaking countries and are pursuing a career in education.

Having interns at LNFI reduces the student-to-teacher ratio, permits our students to hear native French spoken daily and fosters a cultural exchange. This program is one of the things that makes LNFI unique!

Please consider hosting an intern! The program cannot exist without host families. It’s a wonderful experience for the entire family. LNFI families enjoy having a young adult from another country share their culture and language. In turn, interns have a home base in St. Paul from which to experience how we live and enjoy our unique environment. For those who are able to host, the payback is priceless!

All host families host an intern for half the school year, between mid-August and mid-January or between mid-January and mid-June. Minimum requirements to host include providing an intern with a private bedroom and transporting them to and from school (most interns ride the school bus). To learn more, please review the hosting FAQs, or contact

Families interested in hosting should fill out a Host Family Application. (Interested families who have previously hosted and already have an application on file can just email