About the L’Etoile du Nord PTO




What is the L’Etoile du Nord PTO?

The L’Etoile du Nord (LNFI) PTO is a community of parents and teachers coming together to build, strengthen, and support educational, enrichment, and extra-curricular opportunities within a Francophone environment for L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion School students.

What is LNFI?

L’Etoile du Nord French Immersion (LNFI) is a St. Paul Public PreK-5 School.

Learn more about our school: https://www.spps.org/frenchimmersion

What does the PTO do?

The LNFI PTO does many things, including fully funding and supporting the intern program, which brings French-speaking interns to LNFI for one-year internships. The intern program is the PTO’s largest budget item and has a big impact on students – classroom interns reduce the staff-to-student ratio and introduce students to worldviews and another native French speaker. The PTO also provides money for a principal fund, teacher/staff-led grants, and social events.

How do I become a member of the PTO?

There is no membership or fee to become a member of the PTO- we invite you to become involved by attending meetings, volunteering on a committee or at individual events we host throughout the year.

How can I receive PTO news?

There are many ways the PTO communicates news and events with the LNFI community.

-Backpack flyers are sent home with students for all events.

-Subscribe to the events calendar.

-Follow the L’Etoile du Nord PTO page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lnfipto/

-Download the Membership Toolkit app for newsletters and school directory access: https://lnfipto.membershiptoolkit.com/home

How can I get involved with the PTO?

-Attend a PTO meeting. Meetings are the 3th Thursday every month of the school year on Zoom. The zoom link is emailed to school families and available on our Calendar

-LNFI PTO volunteers coordinate numerous events during the school year, including a fall carnival (Carnaval des Citrouilles), an end-of-year spring festival (Kermesse), a roller-skating evening, a bowling afternoon, VIP Day for pre-k through first grade families, staff appreciation potlucks and meals, a fall and spring Scholastic Book Fair, and MIA’s Art Adventure.

-Join one of our committees. Committee commitments vary in duties and time requirements but are a great way to get involved with the LNFI community as well.

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