Join the PTO Board!

Merci for your interest in joining the L’Etoile du Nord PTO volunteer board! All positions are open and the new Officers & Chairpersons will be voted in at the last general meeting of the year on May 16th. All applications are due by end of the day Sunday, May 12th.

A 1 year commitment is recommended for each position. The current board members will be available to assist with guiding and training new board members in their roles. If you are unable to commit to a 1 year position on the board, please consider joining as a volunteer member on one of the many committees; intern program, social, fundraising, communications, or an event planning committee. Please email to join a committee. Many events throughout the year would not be possible without the help of committee & one time volunteers!!

Due to the nature of LNFI PTO, committees will likely require meetings throughout the Summer to plan for the following school year.

Apply by end of day Sunday, May 12th:

Officer & Chairperson Descriptions:


Do you enjoy leadership positions? Are you passionate about the L’Etoile du Nord Community, bringing families and staff together and promoting the French Immersion program? The President will have the responsibility of running the PTO. The President is to be available for questions and will provide leadership to the PTO in general. President position commitment requires 10-20 hours/ week.

Other duties of the president include, but are not be limited to:

  • representing the PTO outside of the school community, such as at school board meetings, at the state legislature, or in meetings with other external organizations, and to disseminate information from those meetings to the LNFI community.
  • developing PTO meeting agendas in cooperation with the Executive Committee and to facilitate PTO meetings.


Do you enjoy leadership positions? Are you passionate about the L’Etoile du Nord Community, bringing families and staff together and promoting the French Immersion program? Vice President will have the responsibility of assuming the duties of the President as defined above in the event that the President is absent or cannot otherwise perform his or her duties. The Vice President shall serve as advisor to the President. Hourly commitments of the Vice President will vary.

Other duties of the vice-president shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Serving as a liaison between the LNFI community at large and the Executive Committee through active participation in events involving LNFI community members.


Are you knowledgeable with QuickBooks or willing to learn accounting software? Do you enjoy bookkeeping and creating profit & loss charts? If so, the Treasurer position may be for you! Treasurer commitments are usually 10-20 hours/ month.

  • Ensure Interns are paid monthly via check or ACH
  • Pay expenses to vendors or reimbursements for PTO members
  • Renew PTO insurance annually
  • Reconcile PTO accounts in Quickbooks accounting software timely
  • Manage bank accounts
  • Oversee preparation and filing of PTO tax return
  • File PTO’s Charitable status report with MN Attorney General’s Office
  • File the tax forms for interns
  • Make deposits and withdrawals as necessary 
  • Present budget/forecast/financial position at each PTO General Meeting
  • Ensure PTO financial policies and procedures are followed
  • Assist PTO committees with any financial needs
  • Setup accounts with corporate donor websites as needed
  • Check PTO Treasurer inbox at school periodically for corporate matching checks
  • Preserve financial records


Do you enjoy secretarial duties such as creating and dispersing meeting agendas, meeting minutes and reports? The secretary duty is to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and the Executive Committee meetings.  The secretary will also be responsible for collecting all committee reports for the PTO’s records and reporting them to the communications committee. Secretary commitment will require 5-10 hours/ month.

Intern Committee Chairpersons (2 Positions Open) *Requires previous participation with the Intern Committee

Are you knowledgeable about the J-1 US Visa and/or visas and international student programs? Are you passionate about bringing French speaking student teachers to LNFI? Are you committed to strengthening and expanding the LNFI Intern Program? If so, the Intern Committee is the place for you! One exciting and important highlight of attending LNFI is the French Speaking Student Intern Program!  Our school hosts 6-10 native French-speaking interns each year.  Interns spend 4-5 months with two different families. There is plenty of behind-the-scenes tasks to be done to orchestrate their stays and work at LNFI! Intern Chairpersons’ commitment will vary seasonally but can range from 5-15 hours/ week.

This committee is responsible for:

  • Recruiting host families for the interns
  • Hosting intern/family social nights at the school
  • Working with visa organizations
  • Working with the school to ensure interns have positive classroom learning and teaching experiences
  • Keeping families informed of intern events, recruiting info, etc.

Fundraising Committee Chairpersons (2 Positions Open)

This committee is a vital part of LNFI since the entire Intern Program and ALL the enrichment programs at the school are funded solely by the PTO.

This committee stands behind and assists with several of the social events the PTO hosts (fall and spring events) because those events also are the PTO’s larger fundraising events.  The committee also conducts a direct donation drive and a fun run during the year, participates in Give to the Max Day and is responsible for keeping the LNFI community “in the loop” as far as funds raised. Fundraising committee weekly commitments will vary by events hosted.

Social Committee Chairpersons (2 Positions Open)

Do you consider yourself a social butterfly?  Does it warm your heart to host events that help people get to know one another?  If so, this is the committee for you!  This committee has traditionally been involved with events for the LNFI community as a way to introduce new and old families and create a sense of community within the school. Hourly commitments to the Social Committee will vary by events chosen to host.

Events the Social Committee coordinates include:

  • Carnaval des Citrouilles (annual fall carnival)
  • Kermesse (annual spring carnival)
  • Potlucks and/or Lunchtime meals for Teachers and Staff
  • Open Gym
  • New Student Orientation & Back to School
  • Prior to 2020 events included: VIP Day, Rollerskating Night, Bowling at SunRay Lanes

Communications Chairpersons (2 Positions Open)

Are you knowledgeable with or willing to learn how to operate WordPress and provide website management? Are you knowledgeable with or willing to learn how to manage and create social media content? Do you feel creative and excited about creating and distributing LNFI news content?  If you feel communication between the school, PTO, and LNFI families is important, then this is the spot for you!  This committee is responsible for getting as much pertinent information as possible from the school and PTO out to the LNFI community.  This website you’re looking at…yup, that’s the Communications Committee!  Rounding up families for the PTO directory?  Yup, that’s us too! Communications board chair commitment will require 15-20 hrs/ week.

We also perform duties such as:

  • Communicating with LNFI families via this website, Facebook, and email
  • Maintaining the PTO app
  • Designing and printing flyers
  • Working with other PTO committees to get important information sent home
  • Developing other ways to communicate with parents

Apply here by end of day May 12th: