Volunteer with the PTO

While events require a number of volunteers on a specific date, there is a lot of background planning, committee work, and discussion about what is best for the PTO. PTO VOLUNTEERS:

-coordinate and plan events like the carnival, family dance, family service night, art adventure, bowling and rollerskating parties, spring party, book fairs
-recruit volunteers
-participate on PTO committees (intern, financial, communications, social, fundraising)
-communicate with LNFI families (newsletter, class liaisons, website, Facebook, emails, backpack flyers)
-attend PTO meetings
-work on the budget – how to meet program needs via fundraising
-collect and prepare Box Tops for Education for submission
-support the intern program (interview applicants, coordinate and plan with teachers, determine the best route for getting interns, coordinate the interns’ stay, host interns, partner with an intern host family)

In conjunction with the school, VOLUNTEERS also:

-help in the classroom
-chaperone field trips
-plan and coordinate fundraisers, like the LNFI garage sale, to support overnight field trip scholarships
-talk to prospective families

Thank you, volunteers, being a part of your child’s school life!


To sign up for a specific event or activity, follow the specific links below or go to www.lnfi-pto.org/volunteer and choose the event for which you would like to sign up.  If you’re not sure how you can help, send an email to volunteer@lnfi-pto.org, so we can discuss the possibilities.

Upper Campus book fair: Sign up at  http://vols.pt/4ppW5M or www.lnfi-pto.org/volunteer.

If you would like to volunteer or need more ideas on what volunteer activities would best fit your schedule and interests, please send an email to volunteer@lnfi-pto.org.

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