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Scholastic Book Fair

November 15, 2022 - November 18, 2022

**Book Fair has moved from the Media Center to Room 1101**
⭐Book Fair Hours⭐
Tuesday, November 15: 4:00-8:00pm
Tuesday, November 15: Students Shopping Day During School (2nd-5th grade only, no family)
Thursday, November 17: 4:00-8:00pm
Friday, November 18: 9:00am-2:00pm
The Book Fair is open to shop all week during conferences. English books, we’ve got them! French books…we’ve got those too! We are also happy to offer posters, erasers, pencils and all the little accessories our students love.
Grades 2-5 will shop with their classmates during the day on Tuesday. Please send your child with a labeled envelope and cash or create an eWallet through Scholastic. eWallets can be pre-loaded and electronically referenced by the cashier for quick checkout (an entirely virtual and convenient way to shop!)
⭐Visit our Book Fair Webpage & create an eWallet: LNFI Book Fair Webpage
⭐Volunteers are needed!! If you would like to help for a shift sign up today! For every hour you volunteer, you will receive $5 Scholastic credit to be used during the book fair. Thank you for making the fair possible for our students!!
Please note that if there is no volunteer available at the register the after-school hours may be modified.
Sign up to volunteer: Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up
⭐ Support our Teachers⭐
Stop by our Teacher Wish List board while you shop the fair! Teachers have the opportunity to create a wish list of items for their classroom. Please use these slips as reference for specific book donations. Thank you for supporting our teachers and our students as readers! Teachers have also begun to create an eWallet for direct donations: Teacher eWallets
⭐Used Book Sale- All Books 25 cents!⭐
Thank you to all that donated, there is a variety of English and French books for all ages. All used books cost 25 cents and must be paid for with cash or change.


November 15, 2022
November 18, 2022